Headquarters: Kathmandu, New Delhi & Dhaka saarcjournalistforum@gmail.com +9779841218089(KTM) & +8801971707570(DHAKA)

Goals & Objectives

Raise the voice and fight for press and expression freedom and rights of journalists in SAARC region.

To unite all the members engaged in the profession of journalism in South Asia, to promote their professional excellence and to make them aware of their rights and dignity.

Preservation and improvement of the freedom of journalism working in newspapers and news organizations published in Bengali, English, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali and many other languages of South Asia.

To provide assistance to those engaged in the profession of journalism for the development of professional standards, development of independence and non-communal consciousness, art-literature-culture, practice of knowledge and science and development of talents in these fields.

To try to organize the visits of journalists at home and abroad for the development of talent, thinking and knowledge science and to invite inter-regional and foreign journalists for the development of mutual goodwill and understanding.

To undertake various international programs including training workshops for the professional development of the members.