Headquarters: Kathmandu, New Delhi & Dhaka saarcjournalistforum@gmail.com +9779841218089(KTM) & +8801971707570(DHAKA)


Introduction :

This is an interim constitution of the SAARC Journalist Forum, SJF which we can do amendment and changes on constitution during the South Asian international convention or conference.

Logo :

Organisation Name :

SAARC Journalist Forum is a non-profit international organization of Journalists and it is called as SJF in short form.

Kathmandu, Nepal.
Address of Headquarter can change its location by Executive Committee if needed.

Organisation’s vision & mission :

To organise journalists of SAARC region to fight for press and expression freedom and raise the voice of rights of journalists is main aim and mission of this organisation.

As well as SAARC Journalist Forum, SJF’s mission is to strengthen the quality, reach and viability of journalism across all media internationally.

To develop the journalism of South Asia, to promote their quality of life, to promote towards mutual trust, understanding and appreciation of the problems of one another.

SAARC Journalist Forum is recognized as a regional journalist body by South Asian journalist member states of SAARC.

The rationale behind creation of SAARC Journalist Forum of the SAARC countries was to promote journalism, to develop, promotion, networking, policy reforms and achieve common objectives in the areas of SAARC countries.

Founded Date :

SAARC Journalist Forum, SJF was founded in 3rd May, 2019 A.D. and registered under Government of Nepal and India by group of award winning senior journalists, reporters and editors of SAARC countries.

Founder Members:

I) Raju Lama: Journalist of Nepal
II) Md Abdur Rahman: Journalist of Bangladesh

Founder Executive Committee Members :

Central Executive Committee Leaders

President : Raju Lama, Nepal
Gen. Secretary : Md Abdur Rahman, Bangladesh
Secretary : Khalil Omaid, Afghanistan
Treasurur : Saghirahmed Qamar, Pakistan

Members :
Rinzin Wangchuk, Bhutan
Amila Balasooriya, Srilanka
Ismail Shahu, Maldives
Smita Mishra, India

Membership :

Journalists from member states includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka can take membership of Forum.

Membership of Forum should be proposed by Central Board Committee and approved by Executive Committee but for first term Executive Committee is responsible for membership.

SAARC Journalist Forum is recognized as a regional journalist body of South Asian journalists member states of SAARC.

Goals and Objectives:

1) Raise the voice and fight for press and expression freedom and  rights of journalists in SAARC region.

2) To unite all the members engaged in the profession of journalism in South Asia, to promote their professional excellence and to make them aware of their rights and dignity.

3) Preservation and improvement of the freedom of journalism working in newspapers and news organizations published in Bengali, English, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali and many other languages of South Asia.

4) To provide assistance to those engaged in the profession of journalism for the development of professional standards, development of independence and non-communal consciousness, art-literature-culture, practice of knowledge and science and development of talents in these fields.

5) To try to organize the visits of journalists at home and abroad for the development of talent, thinking and knowledge science and to invite inter-regional and foreign journalists for the development of mutual goodwill and understanding.

6) To undertake various international programs including training workshops for the professional development of the members.

Formation of Executive Committee:

There will be an Executive Committee to manage the activities of organisation. The Executive Committee will carry out all the work for the implementation of its ideas, objectives and goals on behalf of the organisation.

The Executive Committee shall be deemed to be the highest empowered council of the organisation for the implementation of its aims and objectives.

The Executive Committee shall be constituted for a term of five years. The Executive Committee will consist of eight members from eight SAARC countries.

Executive committee will elect as follows in every five years from international journalists convention or conference :

President : One
Vice President : One
General Secretary : One
Secretary : One
Treasurur : One
Executive Members : Three

Central Board Members :

Every one country will elect three person as a Central Board member total 24 persons will be elected. Three persons will elect from every country’s by international conference as a board member of journalists of SAARC countries.

Central Board member are responsible as central members of Forum and they will support on policy making to Executive Committee and it will mobilise organisation centrally.

Country Chapters :

We can form Country Chapter of all SAARC countries with minimum 15 and maximum 25 members committee with President One, Vice President One, General Secretary One, Secretary One, Treasurur One with remaining other members.

If country chapter is just 7 committee members then there will be President One, Secretary One and Five members.

Country Chapter is responsible to form State Chapter, District Chapter and to distribute general membership of organisation. Membership should be approve by executive committee.

International journalist conference and convention:

Executive committee and Central Board member of SJF will responsible to international journalists conference and convention which will be held on every five years.

Country Chapter will do their convention or conference once in every three years to elect the country committee. Meeting will be held on their own decision but conference should be approve by executive committee.

For first term Central Board Members and participants of International conference will be nominated by Executive Committee.

Participants and numbers of journalists of International conference will be proposed and selected by Central Board Committee and approved by executive committee with mutual understanding.

Constitution of Forum can be amendments by International Journalists Conference. Executive Committee will propose amendments of constitution of Forum if needed in International Journalists Conference.

Meeting of Executive Committee should be held once on three months, Central Board meeting once in a year and International Journalists Conference once in three years regularly.

Message from President: 

President of SAARC Journalist Forum

Dear Friends,
SAARC Journalist Forum, SJF is an international journalist organisation of SAARC region which fights and raise the voice for press and expression freedom and rights and dignity of journalists regionally and globally. We had formed Country Chapters of this organisation in different countries of SAARC region and forming globally as an extending policy of our organisation within journalists of SAARC countries.

Till now we have formed Chapters on various countries globally and we will announce the remaining Country Chapters soon. We should do free and wide discussion to select new leadership among our friends of SJF. We are organising international journalists conference time to time so we will ensure representation there through our country chapters.

Therefore, we have to announce team of remaining SJF Country Chapters globally. I request you all friends to discuss widely within us so that we can select leadership democratically. As our proposed constitution of organisation we can form 15 to 25 members committee.

I would like to urge all the friends to propose us full committee of SJF Country Chapters soon globally so that we will approve it from executive committee and can announce the SAARC Journalist Forum Country Chapters. I would like to thanks and want to convey congratulatory message and the best wishes for successful tenure to all elected leaders of newly formed Country Chapters of SAARC Journalist Forum, SJF.

With best Regards,
Raju Lama
President, SAARC Journalist Forum